An insatiable curiosity of man is his fixation about his future. Whether motivated by fear or greed, everyone wants to get an idea about what will happen tomorrow. A lot of people believe that the future can be predicted, and certain people have the knowledge to accurately predict it — seers, astrologers etc. India is a land of deeply religious people. Some call it superstition, while others call it supernatural, but there is no denying that the best astrologers in Delhi get a lot of business. Astrologers use various tools to predict the future, like the birth chart of a person, to make their predictions about the future of the person. But just the charts alone are just a tool — it is an art to interpret the data presented by this tool, and how does one rely on the Astrologer’s predictions — which obviously cannot be proven in the present and will take time to play out — how does one truly know which astrologer is the right one for you and which one is not? Yes, experi...
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